PUPILS at a North Cornwall Primary School are looking forward to having a brand new learning space after being evacuated from a classroom, writes Amy Dennis.

A temporary classroom for Warbstow Primary School children was set up in the neighbouring community centre’s car park when the classroom for Reception and Year 1 pupils was condemned in the autumn.

Warbstow headteacher Dominique Dyer said Cornwall Council put in a planning application for provision of the temporary building, after the deterioration of the existing classroom.

Mrs Dyer told the Post: “They have been patching [the classroom] up for a number of years, and knew it couldn’t survive another winter.

“We had to evacuate the children as we were told they couldn’t be in the classroom if the wind went above 20mph, and that night it was due to be 40mph.”

This was in October, and the school used the hall for a few weeks, before the temporary classroom arrived just before Christmas.

The condemned classroom is set to be demolished, and a new classroom put in its place — hopefully in time for the arrival of new pupils in September.

Mrs Dyer said: “The children have been wonderful. They have been really patient. It delayed the school Christmas plays but we did it all. We have been really proud of them.”

She also expressed her thanks to fellow school staff.

A spokesperson for Cornwall Council said: “Previously the Reception/Year 1 modular classroom at Warbstow Primary School has had repairs carried out as part of the council’s Backlog Maintenance Programme. Towards the end of 2016 it was decided that it was no longer economical to repair the building, and therefore, a replacement modular building would be built. This is due to be completed for spring 2017.

“The new building will consist of two classrooms to replace the existing single classroom unit and to allow for the future growth of Warbstow Primary School. At the present time, as the existing building will not be repaired further and to allow the necessary survey and construction works to be carried out, the class in question is being accommodated in a temporary building.”