Still going strong after 25 years! Egloskerry Garden Club met on Friday 10 for their 25th annual AGM. The guest speaker for the evening was the experienced TV and radio presenter, Terry Underhill. Most members remembered with affection his ’Gardens for All’ programmes in the 80’s. His talk ’Waterwise’ — gardening with the minimum of water, a project sponsored by south west water was beautifully illustrated with flowering plants and shrubs that would survive dry conditions and need little extra watering.
Chairman, Judy Clifford thanked Terry for a most enjoyable evening, then the group moved into the small hall for their celebratory refreshments. These had been made by the committee and members of the club. The star of the show was the delicious anniversary cake made by secretary, Alison Walford. A short AGM followed with Judith Clifford being overwhelmingly re-elected as chairman. Treasurer, Dawn Fenn reported a healthy balance, so the annual fees remained the same — exactly as they had been for the last 25 years!
The evening ended with prizes given out for the photo competition and members left looking forward to another successful gardening year!