SOUTH  West Water's plans to install a sewage treatment works at the Trevalga 'Black Barn' site have been approved by Cornwall County Coun­cil's Planning Committee, much to the dismay of local campaigners.

After previously being deferred, the committee considered the application at a meeting in Truro last Thursday.

Around 15 to 20 campaigners travelled to County Hall from the Trevalga/Boscastle area to listen to the debate and hear the decision. The vote was 14 to 8 in favour of the application.

Clive Baylay, chairman of TATAS (Trevalga and Trethevy Against Sewage, said: "People, including myself, are very, very upset by the way in which the local democratic process has been trodden all over and ignored. All three parishes voted against this scheme.

"People feel very angry and let down by their councillors who represent them at district and county level."

He added: "The debate was lively. It went on for about an hour. There was a possibility of non-determination, that no decision would be made and then the Secretary of State would be called in to decide.

"One councillor exp­ressed a concern that if it was not determined there and then, or if it was voted against, should South West Water appeal, it could cost them money."

Mr Baylay spoke of the group's dismay at the decision, and said: "That's it now. It's all over really. They've got the planning permission; they'll start laying the pipes on Monday. People are extremely disappointed."

A spokesman for South West Water commented: "South West Water is delighted to have planning approval for a sewage treatment works on the 'Black Barn' site in Trevalga.

"The decision represents a key milestone in progressing the environmental benefits that a modern sewerage network will bring to the communities of Boscastle, Bossiney and Tintagel."