AFTER a 12 year hiatus Crackington Carnival’s long awaited return arrives on Saturday, August 3.

The carnival, which started in 1945 just after the Second World War had ended, has been revived by the local community who have been working hard to create an afternoon and evening of family fun and music.

One of those who has been instrumental in helping this year’s event come to fruition is committee member Heather Smith, who helped get the ball rolling. She created a Facebook post asking if anybody would like to restart the carnival - and people responded, yes!

Heather said: “I asked people who were interested in bringing Crackington Carnival back to meet me in the local pub. As well as a group of young people turning up, there were also people that were involved in the last carnival that came along too.

Crackington Carnival in previous years
Crackington Carnival in previous years (Submitted)

“There was a sum of money that was left over from the last carnival back in 2012, which we used to start the ball rolling. With our new committee, we took on various responsibilities. None of us had ever arranged a carnival before so it was a big learning curve and we didn’t know how it would come off.

“We’ve had lots of support, we’ve got groups that look after the publicity, entertainments, floats, parade, and another that looks after the kings and queens. We’ve also been liaising with the local community, schools and various organisations in the village.

“The parade of floats, walking groups, vintage tractors and musicians, including local pipe and samba bands, begins at 2pm from the Burden Trust car park. After the procession visitors will accumulate down to the Dam Field for a fete full of action.

Crackington Carnival in previous years 2
The carnival has a long history stretching back to 1945 (Submitted)

“There will be craft stalls, refreshments, entertainment, bouncy castle, face panting, tombola, football and golf games, splat the rat, the old-fashioned game of welly wanging and a tug of war to finish off proceedings. Parking and disabled toilets will be present at the field.

“In the evening, The Coombe Barton will host an evening of non-stop Cornish music, with local shanty bands and entertainers on hand to engage visitors until midnight.”