Mr P J Perkins, of Buckland,?Newton Abbot, writes:
While I was happy to see that the council can find money to purchase new road signs for the Buckland Estate,?I feel that the cash will be wasted as, shortly, the signs will be obscured by the long grass on the verges surrounding them.
Having spoken to Teignbridge Council regarding the overgrown verges, I was told that the funding from Devon County Council had been withdrawn and they would no longer be maintained by the district council.
I rang DCC, only to be told that this was the case and, therefore, I should do it myself.
I do not possess a lawnmower or strimmer as I have no need for such items for my garden.
I was then told to get somebody else to do it for me.
I am a pensioner on a fixed income and this is someting I feel that I should not have to pay somebody else to do as, after all, it is your property, not mine – and I already pay council tax.
My neighbour is 83 years old and is unable to cut his grass verge also.
The verges are often fouled by dogs, whose owners feel they do not need to pick it up.
The verges are becoming fly-infested, smelly, and do nothing for my temper when I step in dog mess.
As an ex-builder I see a solution to this problem. At my own expense, I could remove the grass and lay 150mm of concrete on top of compacted scalpings, therefore creating a maintenance-free hard-standing for my vehicle as the road is too narrow for cars to park either side.
I am fully aware that there are those who do not care what the estate looks like, but I, and many others, do, and would like something done about the situation.
I have friends coming to stay soon, and this gives a bad impression of Devon in general.