Women’s Institute
A sea of yellow tea shirts waited in the wings whilst the main monthly WI business was completed. Members of Saltash U3A Ukulele group had come along to share their talents and encourage the ladies of Pensilva WI to sing along. It didn’t take much before loud renditions of favourites could be heard at Millennium house; these included When I’m 64 (some members said they wished they still were), Yellow Polka Dot Bikini (no one admitted to wearing one), Return to Sender and I’m into something good. There were chances to hum to Annie’s song, foot tap along to dedicated follower of fashion and become Dolly singing passionately to Jolene. An enjoyable evening of entertainment was had by all.

Birthdays this month: Barbara Bennett, Evelyn Dwelly, Jane Hall, Maureen walker and Katie McDonald
Competition winners: Monthly competition – A poem including the word Ukulele: 1, Mary Yates; 2, Pauline Caffery; 3, Tina Tubby. These poems were read out for all to enjoy.
Flower of the month: 1, Anne Houlston; 2, Irene Elliott; 3, Frances Tucker.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 14 – which is a mystery trip. No details as we don’t know. Lookout for next month’s report to find out where we went.
Women’s Institute
On Thursday, July 4, the meeting was held in Altarnun Church Hall as the village hall was in use as a Polling Station for the General Election.
The president welcomed eleven members to the meeting, with apologies from six members.
The minutes of our previous meeting held on June 6 having been circulated prior to this meeting were approved and signed. There were no matters arising. The treasurer, Tricia Allen, reported that the Bank Statement for June had not yet been received, but finances remain virtually unchanged.
Forthcoming events were discussed, with Fun on the Green this Saturday, July 6, it was hoped that the weather would be kinder this year and the members were reminded to bring along cakes as usual, but this year’s table would also include some plants for sale. The Launceston Show at the end of July was discussed, and our Corporate Entry is now virtually completed and everyone who has seen it was very happy with the results of the team’s creativity. On July 27 we have our trip to Stertz to see the ballet, and car sharing was arranged. Helen Naylor reminded us that our next meeting on August 1 would be a talk on cyber security.
A long table was set out with flowers and greenery to be used in our practical session based on producing an arrangement using a cup and saucer. Helen Naylor then started by demonstrating how to produce an arrangement full of colour and beautifully shaped, which was then followed by Kate Sibborn showing a different approach, using just two colours and a looser design. It was then down to the ladies to produce their own creations using the materials provided, and there were some amazing results, all different and very colourful. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and some were surprised at how well they did. Helen and Kate were thanked for all their help.
The competition this month was for a ‘pretty teaspoon’ and was won by Gilly Crossley, with Victoria Anderssen 2nd and Chris Evans 3rd. The Raffle was won by Victoria Anderssen, all were congratulated.
Fun on the Green Day — Saturday, July 6, dawned wet and windy, but fortune smiled after lunch for Altarnun’s “Fun on the Green” day, even with some sunshine. The WI Table selling cakes and plants did brisk business, selling all the cakes and most of the plants. Thank you to all who baked and all who bought.
St Melor’s Church
Morning prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church on Monday and Wednesday from 10am.
On Sunday, July 21, there will be evensong from 6.30pm.
St Paul’s Church
There will be Methodist Communion in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, on Sunday, July 21, from 9.15am.
Messy Church at Rilla Mill Retreat Centre will start at 3pm.
Community Speed Watch
It has been reported that following interest at Minions, the police have approved two sites, with an additional site at Upton Cross. They are looking for additional volunteers — each session lasts one hour. If you are interested in volunteering, contact group co-ordination Derris Watson at [email protected]
1st Linkinhorne Scout Group
The Beavers learnt how to safely light fires and learn what sort of wood to use, and then toasted marshmallows over their fires. Another night they went litter picking on Foredown.
Congratulations to Akela (Cheryl Piper) who was presented with her 25 year long service certificate. The other groups have been in the woods also fire lighting and hiked across the moors too.
Carnival and Summer Fayre
This Saturday, July 20, the carnival entrants to assemble at 12.30pm in the usual Rillaton field at the Callington end of the village to process at 1pm through the village to Parson’s Meadow for the Summer Fayre at 2pm and led from the village hall by Launceston Town Band.
There will be the usual Model Raft Race and Duck Race and plenty of stalls, games, BBQ, light refreshments, Candy Floss and Ice creams too. There will be an opportunity to sponsor a duck at the event for just £1 with prizes for winning ducks of £100, £50, £25, £10 and 20 £5. Fun for all the family.
Women’s Institute
Since the weather was less “Summer” and more Autumn Marhamchurch WI retreated to the Sunday school room for its annual barbecue.
Members enjoyed Moore’s sausages and burgers expertly cooked by Dawn MacDonald. There were salad accompaniments and a refreshing and tasty fruit punch all rounded off with a selection of sweets provide by the committee.
As well as the refreshments members enjoyed solving dingbats, games of shove ha’penny and the raffle for the chance of the whole afternoon at no expense! But mostly the day had been won of camaraderie and laughter.
August’s meeting will feature guest speaker, Cornish-Kiwi life coach Tessa Sillifant. Visitors always welcome.
Women’s Institute
The Bude WI held their July meeting at the Bude Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday, July 9, at 7.30pm when the president Cynthia May, welcomed 57 members and a visitor.
Following the singing of Jerusalem Valerie Wonnacott of Marhamchurch WI gave an interesting and comprehensive report of her day at the National Federation of WI’s annual meeting. This was held at the Royal Albert Hall on June 5.
The membership were invited to sign up to enjoy many upcoming events including walks, book reading, a theatre trip and lunch at the Bay View Widemouth Bay. Everyone was also encouraged to offer their help to ensure the success of the upcoming Annual Coffee Morning. This is the main fundraiser for Bude WI’s charity of the year; this year the chosen charity is the Bude Cancer Support Group. The coffee morning is to take place on Thursday, August 8, 10 to noon in the Parkhouse Centre Bude.
The evenings guest speaker Jane Hanscomb was introduced. Jane gave an engaging and informative talk on the history and properties of various “Herbs & Spices”. Margaret Burch thanked the Jane for a most enjoyable talk.
The competition results were then announced: Flower of the Month; 3rd Sue Greenwood, 2nd Gill Daniels, 1st Monica Heywood. The main Competition: an Interesting Spice Jar; 3rd Joan Lashbrook, 2nd Ann Gourley, 1st Sue Greenwood.
The quarterly Bake Off competition was a Lemon Meringue Pie and the winners were 3rd Sue Greenwood, 2nd Jane Culverwell and 1st Sue Cox.
The president, Cynthia, then introduced two new members, Jean Peace and Sue Peters and presented them with a Bude WI coaster.

She then reminded everyone that the next meeting will be on September 10 when the speaker will be Chris March on Mrs Huckles “The World of Cutlery”.
Competitions will be An Unusual Spoon and Flower of the Month. Cynthia thanked everyone for coming.
Inner Wheel
On Monday evening, July 8, members of the Inner Wheel Club of Bude, dressed in their best, gathered at the Falcon Hotel for their annual changeover dinner.
This marks the beginning of a new Inner Wheel year. Outgoing president, Hilary Rainsley thanked her committee for their hard work and support during her year and passed the chain of office to the incoming president, Di McDougall.

Di will be well known to many in Bude from her years as Dr Gurd of the school medical and family planning services. The new president of Bude Rotary Club, Martin Yeo, was on hand to present Di with a bouquet of flowers. Then followed a short meeting in which president Di introduced her committee and set out her plans for the coming year which will include a coffee morning in November and the ever popular Charity Lunch next April.

Her chosen charities are CLIC Sargent, Bude Parkinson’s Society and Bude Sea Pool. Food features in most Inner Wheel functions so the meeting was followed by a delicious two course meal and plenty of opportunity for chat.
Women’s Institute
A challenge to make our own floral arrangement was given to members when Diana Anderson, The President, led a workshop.
Everyone arrived with secateurs, greenery and a few flowers from their gardens. Diana brought an example of an all around table arrangement, hers in just greenery to show how effective without flowers, for everyone to try and emulate. Daunting for some. The results were great, with everyone proudly taking their arrangement home. Winners were: 1st Linda Watkins, 2nd Karen Murray, 3rd Ann Foster.
An inspirational and detailed report of the National AGM at the Albert Hall was given by our representative Linda Watkins with 5,000 women attending . An experience she would recommend to anyone who gets the chance to be there. It shows the strength of the WI. She stated there were 24,000 new WI members in this year alone, seven prison WI’s and some on line only.
The Dental Health Matters resolution passed with an overwhelming 95.5 per cent margin, so delegates at the AM back the new WI campaign for accessible NHS Dentistry. These resolutions are highlighted at government level next.
Committee for Cancer Research UK
The Camelford Committee for Cancer Research UK recently held a ‘Ploughman’s and Pudding’ lunch at the Fore Street Methodist Church, Camelford.
In total 75 people had a sit down or takeaway meal served by committee members and friends.
As always there was a raffle with many prizes. the event proved to be very successful and resulted in £682.46 being raised for vital cancer research.
The council would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make the lunch so worthwhile.
Platinum Wedding Anniversary
Bill and Eileen Pett were married 70 years ago on June 12, 1954, in Milton Damerel Parish Church.
The happy couple, who farmed at North Furze, Shebbear have five children, 10 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Having received their congratulations card from King Charles III and Queen Camilla, they celebrated the special occasion with their family with cake and some fizz.
Eileen said they have enjoyed a wonderful happy life together and, been very fortunate to reach this significant milestone.