Sir, A resident/owner of a property in East Williamston who was referred to in the council minutes which were included in the April 24 edition of your newspaper has made a complaint to me and I would be grateful if you could publish the following clarification of the situation in this week's edition? During discussions at the April meeting of East Williamston Community Council, a reference was made to a property known as Guelders in East Williamston stating that the front wall of this property had been demolished and was being re-built several feet further forward onto the grass verge at the side of the road. Members were concerned about the ownership of the grass verge and asked that the matter be checked with Pembrokeshire County Council. At no time was it ever implied that the owner of this property was 'stealing' the land nor was it our intention to cause any offence or distress to the owner of the property. However, it appears that considerable offence has been taken and this council is extremely sorry for any distress that may have been caused to the owner of the property and his family. It has been confirmed to this council that the owner of the property does in fact own the land in front of the original wall and is quite within his rights to move the wall forward. There will be no further discussion on this matter within this council and the minutes will be amended accordingly.

Jane Clark, Clerk to East Williamston Community Council.