Cinderella, played by sixteen year old Hannah Thomas, finally got to marry her Prince Charming, played by Lucy Eagle. The ugly sisters, portrayed by Ben Tapley as Smelly and Martin Pound as Snotty, were a big hit with the audience in their fabulous costumes and provided much of the comedy throughout the show.
Buttons was played by thirteen year old Liam Edwards who soon established a rapport with the audience and encouraged them to respond to the greeting 'Buttons Up' whenever he appeared. Adrian Smith used all his experience to play the Demon King and did a first class job.
The producer was Kate Neall and musical director was Jan Man who was accompanied on the piano by Steve Tyrell. Some of the songs included 'Secret Love', 'Close To You' and 'Wind Beneath My Wings'.
The sound and lighting made all the difference to the production. The equipment was provided by the school and the lighting technicians were Paul Haynes, Ricky Jameson, Dougie Rehling and Jordan Jameson. The many people behind the scenes who made all this possible must also not be forgotten.
This was a credit to Camelford of which all those involved can be proud of such an achievement and hopefully many more to come.