PERMISSION has been refused for an application that would have seen the cattle market buildings in Holsworthy demolished and replaced with a number of residential units.
A planning application submitted by Mr Robin Furby of Chris Dent Architects, based in Exeter, sought permission for the demolition of existing cattle market buildings at the former cattle market, Underlane, Holsworthy, and replacement with up to 55 residential units and associated works.
The application was considered by Torridge District Council recently.
The council turned down the application, for a number of reasons, including insufficient information was submitted to demonstrate acceptability in relation to Highways — including off-street parking; road layout; and surface water drainage.
The report stated that the proposal had also not demonstrated that it would be sufficiently benign in terms of its layout and scale, and therefore result in an acceptable impact on neighbouring amenity.
There were also concerns over the ‘prematurity’ of the proposal as it was considered approving the scheme would ‘be to the detriment of the strategic objectives of the emerging Local Plan, including mixed-use and employment’.
The final point for refusal referenced the cattlemarket site, suggesting it could be suitable for ‘continued business use’.
Previously the town council raised their objections to the proposal, saying: “The council’s view is that this site should be safeguarded for retail development and not considered for housing.”