Around 10,000 businesses across Cornwall have received a total of £116-million in ?grant funding to help ?cope ?with the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.?

A further 3,500 businesses have applied to Cornwall Council within the last four days for a business support grant — a fund set up by the Government and administered by the Council.???

Over the coming weeks the Council expects to pay out around £281-million to 24,000 small businesses and businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure industry.?

?The Council has written to all businesses in Cornwall with information about support available and is? currently contacting ?a further 395 businesses in the Isles of Scilly.??

Bob Egerton, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for culture, economy and planning, ?said businesses who apply for the business support grant by midday today (Tuesday, ?April ?7 )?should ?receive payments by Thursday.?

“Our team is working hard to make sure grants are paid as soon as possible and it’s a testament to their commitment that around 10,000 businesses had their payment sent within two days of the Government funding being made available,” he said.?

“If you’ve received a letter from us and have not yet applied for a business support grant, I urge you to do so without delay. The funding is there to support you and your staff as we weather the storm of the Coronavirus pandemic.?

“And if you haven’t received a letter, but believe you’re entitled to support, please get in touch.”?

Ann Vandermeulen, Cornwall development manager for the Federation of Small Businesses, said: “We have had lots of calls from worried businesses wondering how they will pay bills, their staff (still at work or furloughed) and how they will survive during this time where there is a huge hole in their income.

“These grants, that they don’t have to pay back, will simply be a lifeline to many and could even be the difference between continuing to trade in better times or shutting the doors now and forever. Cornwall Council really are to be commended on their proactive approach.”

For more information on applying for a business support grant visit? call 0300 1234 171.?

And for help understanding the business support available during these difficult times contact the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Growth Hub at or call 01209 708660.

Has your business received any funding through the scheme? Let us know by emailing [email protected]