ANOTHER derisory letter against those that would be happy to leave the EU.

Do we, the ordinary person in the street, feel rich? I don't think so. Why do those in charge worry more about rising house prices in Kensington, London than British people sleeping rough and those having to use foodbanks?

More unskilled people coming to the UK will only put more pressure on housing and services.

So, we may have been in the EU for more than 40 years but the bureaucrats that run the show now expect absolute power over all members.

They have made themselves a very good job (for the boys) which is well paid too.

To say we have a thriving economy and an honest government (that's a new one) smacks of Tory snobbery.

We need the country to govern itself and drop the bureaucratic nonsense from abroad but I feel the "I'm alright Jack" brigade will always win through.

– CM, Forest of Dean.