BUDE Sea Pool is preparing to celebrate its 10th anniversary ‘Channel Swimming Challenge’.  

Each year, around 15 teams come together on Summerleaze beach in the hope of channelling their inner Mathew Webb, as they attempt to swim the length of the English Channel — without the need to dodge any ferries.

This year, September 28, will see around 300 swimmers take the plunge into Bude Sea Pool and hope to go the distance completing some 22 miles in their respective teams.  

With one mile comprising of 20 lengths of the Sea Pool, teams will be taking on a massive 440 lengths.  

A spokesperson from Friends of Bude Sea Pool said: “We have made a few changes to the event this year. For example booking will be direct with FoBSP rather than using Eventbrite. Also we will encourage fast swimmers to use the usual lane rope which we put in the pool for the event, so slower swimmers can use the rest of the pool to complete their challenge. Drinks and refreshments will be free for all swimmers, and we are looking at offering commemorative t-shirts in addition to tickets for the evening party.”  

Following a long day of swimming, the work isn’t quite over, being the event’s tenth anniversary some extra special plans have been made.  

A spokesperson continued: “As it’s the 10th anniversary we are looking to hold additional celebrations and fun events of all things ‘swimmy’ on the Sunday, July 29, too, with a French themed party, refreshments and disco at Crooklets cafe on Saturday night. On Sunday we will also see if collectively we can put in the miles in the pool to swim back to England.” 

While the event serves as a fun challenge for swimmers looking to push themselves to the limit, with teams able to mix and match individuals wanting to do several miles and those wanting to challenge themselves by completing a full mile, the occasion also serves as an opportunity to raise funds for Bude Sea Pool, which celebrates its 94th birthday this year.