WHO from history would you invite to a dinner party if you could? An author from Bude is hoping to answer the age old question with his new book.  

Diners have pondered, discussed and argued over the enduring question between courses at many a dinner party. However, when it was put to Bude author Paul Wreyford, he nearly choked on his peas as the idea for a new book came to life in his mind. 

‘When Henry VIII Came to Dinner’, brings that fantastical question to life – through a teenager and his father, who entertain some of the most famous people in history at their modern-day suburban semi. 

As well as Henry VIII, the guest list includes the likes of Napoleon, Shakespeare, Cleopatra, Churchill and Elizabeth I. 

Speaking about the idea, Paul said: “It’s not difficult to imagine Henry VIII sitting at the table opposite you, throwing a half-eaten chicken leg over his shoulder…or playing a game of Risk with the cheating Napoleon. 

“It’s a playful, tongue-in-cheek history book – not for serious historians. Yes, the reader will learn something, but probably without even realising, and I hope they will be smiling as they do so.” 

The book is fiction, but all the action that takes place at the dinner parties is based on fact. Instead of Cleopatra arriving in a rolled-up carpet, she pops out of a cardboard box delivered by Amazon. 

Though the book is aimed at young adults, it was also written with adults in mind, and would appeal to anyone of any age with a curious mind and a sense of humour. Footnotes help to establish the truth or provide extra historical information should the reader want it. 

Paul added: “The younger readers will relate to the teenager in the book, while the adults will hopefully empathise with his sometimes bumbling father.  

“It’s a bit like those animated family films that appeal to all ages, with some jokes and references that only the adults will get.” 

Paul explained that the aim of the book was to make history accessible and fun for teens, just like Horrible Histories achieved with younger children.