The evening of Tuesday, June 6, found the church of St Swithin in Launcells, full with representatives from all the parishes in the Deanery of Stratton.

The Archdeacon of Bodmin, the Reverend Kelly Betheridge was there to greet the churchwardens and hear their vows to care for their churches and further the word of God in their respective parishes.

The service was one of promise and joy in looking forward to the future. A future which will mean some changes to the way we serve our parishes. Some of these changes have already started, particularly in the field of format of services and IT, in the way services and meetings are held. Presentations were made by the Mothers Union, The Prayer Book Society, and the Diocesan Safeguarding officer.

Reverend Teresa Folland, the rector of St Swithin’s led prayers for the churchwardens and for the Deanery. The service finished with a rousing hymn, ‘Amazing Grace’. Dafydd Thomas was the organist.

The Archdeacon thanked St Swithin’s for hosting the visitation.

Refreshments were served after the service, and everyone was able to mingle and renew friendships.

Thanks were given to the kitchen staff; Rose Harwood, Caroline Tape and Beryl Kendrick. Graham Tape was organising cars in the car parks.