Sir, Greenhill School held their annual Sports Day on Wednesday, July 15. It was a beautiful, sunny day and a day that had been long-awaited by all. A lot of organisation and hard work by all staff and students goes into making this day a successful and enjoyable one for all. However to much disgust and anger, while setting out sports equipment on the school playing field, we came across dog mess! This was not in small amounts by any means! This has become a regular occurrence, with PE staff having to clean-up often on a daily basis. We are all appalled and disgusted at the thought that local people are allowing their dogs to do their business on a child's playing field. I would ask all dog owners to be responsible and to remember, that dog mess can cause diseases and blindness. Greenhill School is a huge part of our local community and it is our responsibility as adults to keep children safe and well at all times. Dogs are not allowed on school premises at any time and certainly not to use it as a toilet. We all know or have had children who attend Greenhill School at one time or another, and the majority of us are parents and grandparents, so please could you just think of our children. Clean up your mess and allow our children to play on our fields. Sports Day was a huge success, as always, with staff and students having great fun.

Laurie Murphy, (parent and member of staff), Tenby resident.