Community members from Pembroke Dock and surrounding villages have worked with members of the VC Gallery to create artwork through photography, outreach visits, and personal memories of the town's history.

The fascinating exhibition took place last Thursday with almost 100 visitors to see the artwork on the intrinsic stories of the group members and of historical Pembroke Dock, and also watch how the individual's artistic journey has been achieved through a film made by the group members which was shown throughout the exhibition.

Age Cymru Pembrokeshire's Big Lottery funded West Wales Befriending Links and Community Ages Together projects both support local people aged 50 and over to become engaged in local activity groups and encourage participation with all ages. A local befriending group was developed earlier this year and the members invited local artist Barry John MBE and VC Gallery members to share their artistic knowledge with them. This was achieved through inspirational visits to the Sunderland museum, the former tobacconists store in Commercial Row and the Martello Tower.

At the exhibition, Barry John MBE presented a gift to Pat Jamieson in recognition of her piece of art.

Pat Jamieson, aged 77, said "I painted the walking sticks hanging from the ceiling which I saw in the old tobacconist shop. It reminded me of my late husband. I've never done any artwork like this before and wasn't very keen at first, but I've really enjoyed the whole experience and was totally shocked that my painting was picked out from all the others."

Helen Bussell, co-ordinator with Age Cymru Pembrokeshire, said "This group has achieved so much together. From a bunch of individuals who didn't know each other, to now all asking when can they do it again. It's so good to bring people together, especially in older age when loneliness and isolation are prevalent in some people's lives. The artwork that has come from this group has been fascinating and inspirational and shows that it really is achievable by anyone with the help of community projects such as the VC Gallery.

"I'd like to express my thanks and congratulations to the group members for their time and commitment during the last six months, they are the real stars of the show!"

More information on this and other activities available for the older community can be obtained from Age Cymru Pembrokeshire on 01437 769972 or their Facebook page.