Sir, On Monday of last week I was lucky enough to attend the sixth form 'A' level examination drama production at the Arthur Ormond Drama venue at Greenhill School. I use the title 'requiem' because I understand, due to the axing of media, music, drama at Greenhill we, grandparents, parents and fellow students, will be denied this privilege in future. Greenhill sixth form drama students chose an adult theme (they are 18-years-old!) for their performance, duly giving advance warning of the presence of strobe lighting and the possibility of upsetting content. The Greenhill drama department's access to scenery, props etc had diminished in preparation for its dissolution, yet nothing deterred these young thespians. They staged the entire amazing production with few props and with awesome skill. For readers who may be puzzled, these 18-year-olds re-enacted two famous female hangings and the public response of the time. Their props included several wooden stools (used for banging on the floor) and a scaffold, clever lighting, and period mood music at the commencement and a real air of authenticity. The 'hangings' were disturbing of course, but this was an amateur production - by schoolchildren! And it was awesome. My granddaughter Becci Chiffi was one of these brilliant young actors, so it could be fair to say I may be a little prejudiced. However, I am also very disappointed because my grandson Oliver, nearly 16-years-old, will no longer be able to continue his chosen education at Greenhill. 'Media/Drama.' A soft option? Nothing soft about this group of 'A' level students.

Marie Hurlow-Jones, Pembroke.