WINDMILL Hill Academy (formerly Launceston Community Primary School) lies in the heart of Launceston. The school celebrated its centenary in 2011 so it has long been a major part of the town's history.
Commonly known as Windmill School by many of the locals, due to its location adjacent to the site of the former windmill in Coronation Park, it gained academy status in January 2014 alongside its partner school, St Stephen's Community Academy. Both schools now come under the name of The Andaras Multi Academy Trust (ADMAT).
The school day starts with the Windmill breakfast club. Children can come and have a hearty, healthy breakfast while being able to engage in a variety of fun activities. The club starts at 8am and all children are warmly welcomed when they arrive.
Pupil voice is an important feature within the school community. The school council is the main pupil voice and they meet every three weeks to discuss and decide on a variety of issues. Each class has two representatives, with Year 6 having more as they also support the younger children in meetings. The Year 6 children also have the opportunity to become house team captains where they organise competitions, sports events and generally oversee the running of their house team. Both the school council and team captains are democratically voted for by the children.
Windmill Hill is also very keen to take the children into the future, both through the use of technology and by educating them about ways to look after their environment.
There is an active Eco club where children have the opportunity to develop their understanding of sustainability and recycling matters combined with looking after their environment.
For the full report, and a round-up of the area news and sport, see this week's edition of the Post.