The 69th Ashwater Agricultural Show was presided over by Mr Eric Burnill the president for 2022.
There was an array of beautifully turned out stock in the cattle and sheep classes with excellent entries this year, while 26 farmers of the future, demonstrated their excellent skills in the young handler’s classes. Unfortunately due to Avian Flu the feather classes were unable to take place but guinea pigs and rabbits were showcased in the fur tent while there was a good turnout for the family fun dog show. The weather helped to make the day more enjoyable. The photographer for the day was Natalie Bailey.
Horse classes commenced bright and early - the morning saw strong competition in the horse, pony and novelty classes, while children enjoyed taking part in the Gymkhana. The horse events were rounded off in the afternoon with show jumping competitions.
The show was officially opened by the president at 1pm, followed by a parade of vintage tractors in the main ring where Mr Eric Burnill awarded The Rodney Brock Memorial Cup and the ‘Presidents choice award‘ sponsored by Pat May Drainage and Groundwork’s, to the winning tractor owned by Chris James. A parade of the South Tetcott Hunt Hounds and the Lamerton Hunt Hounds followed.
The show was held in conjunction with Ashwater Horticultural Show, where people from across the parish demonstrated their skills in a range of classes from flower arranging to homemade preserves. The craft tent was full of local crafts people selling a showcase of their products and the PTA attending with a cake stand.
On behalf of the commit, show secretary Fiona Allen said: “The committee would like to reiterate its sincere thanks to all our sponsors, judges, programme advertisers and donors for their generous support of this year’s show as well as to our president, Mr Eric Burnill and his wife Dilys for carrying out their roles admirably. Thanks also to the Young Farmers Club for their hard work with various activities throughout the day. In addition the chairman, Mr Paul Moon, would like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved, the members of the committee and all those non-members, family and friends who also generously give up their time to make the show a success, helping in preparation, setting up, fetching and carrying, selling dance tickets, selling draw books, lending equipment, providing refreshments, running bars, parking cars, making signs, cutting verges and hedges leading to the Show Ground, as well as clearing up afterwards! Finally a very big thank you to everyone who came and supported the show on the day, entered classes and took part in activities! Without the help and support of so many people the show would not be possible. We are all looking forward to next year’s event and celebrating the shows 70th year!”
Cattle classes: Glass Bowl for Supreme Champion Cattle – J H Neale; L Rockett Cup best yearling heifer – Evie Walters; Overall Champion Money – J H Neale
Young Handlers: The Ken Jones Cup for Young Handlers Cattle – Ethan Johnson-Smith. Mr & Mrs G King Cup for Young Handlers Sheep – Thomas Glessing.
Sheep classes: Supreme Champion Sheep sponsored by Mr and Mrs S J Griffin and presented with a glass bowl – R & L Rennie; Ashwater Show Cup for Sheep Female Champion – G & J Hutchings; Frank Howard Cup for Sheep Male Champion – R & L Rennie; C K Jones Cup for most points gained in Sheep Classes – J & R Kirk; H Newcombe Cup for Best Pen of Lambs – G & J Hutchings;
Horse classes: The Classes ; Supreme Championship (all Champions) sponsored by Carey Valley Woodlands and presented with the Michael Drowne Cup – Rebecca Ogbourne; Best Pony Cup Champion – Keith and Elaine Locke; Kivells Cup Best Mountain & Moorland Pony – Keith and Elaine Locke – ; Den Piper Cup Novelty Classes Champion – Fern Field (rider); John Forward of Henford Studio Architects Cup for highest placed 16 year old or under in open Show jumping – Kaycee-Lea Gowing.
The first prize winners for further classes are listed below:
Fur classes: Best Guinea Pig (short haired)– Sally Taskis; Best Guines Pig (long haired)-Charlie Currah; Best Rabbit – Tina Barriball;
Hay- Craig Holland; Big Bale Silage- Ian Ellacott; Clamp Silage- Steve Furse.